Commenting Guidlines

Comment Policy

Hello All!
In order to keep the comment section on this site a happy place, I have to lay down a few quick ground rules. However, as long as you are not disruptive or obnoxious I won't be too strict about these. The comments should be a fun place! So have Fun!
  • Be polite
    • Please try not to use profanity
    • Offer constructive criticism, not pointless insults.
  • Respect your other commenters
    • Please do not spam the comment section
    • Try not to post twice on the same comment within 10 seconds
      • you can always edit a post you; you don't always have to comment twice
  • More may be added as time goes on!

✨I am excited to read all of your fun and exciting comments!✨

Thanks For Reading!!
Kicon Fashion

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